Sunday, September 17, 2006

Living with other people.

So, speaking of changes, I am discovering that living with three other guys is a much different experience than living with a girl!

Guys are much messier! Our apartment occasionally smells, and there are stains all over the kitchen counter.

The kitchen stains, at least, are all from the same guy: 10,000 Spoons.

For those of you just tuning in, bit of recapitulation:

Spoons is a recurring character. He was introduced in this post. He is 22 years old, a libra, and is double majoring in philosophy and pyschology with an aim to get into clinical psych. Ladies: He is single! His interests are hiking, fencing, debating, coffee and sugarless fruit punch from concentrate. I've termed the latter the Sugarless Fruit Punch of Doom, or Fruit Punch of Doom for short.

Once I got some of it on my hands. Washing it off was reminiscent of the impossible task of removing bloodstains from someone you've just killed. From your soul.

After humanity is cleansed from the earth, after all living things have died, even the cockroaches, the Fruit Punch of Doom stains will still be there.

We got him to put the pitcher of the stuff on a napkin. Problem solved!

Now wasn't that interesting?

I guess I'm describing each of my roommates, it is too late to break the trend now!

On to #2. Although I've known him for a little while, he is new here and I do not have a proper name for him yet.

Names are so important, especially here. I can't just make one up.

Spoons and I already sort knew him, it's a four person apartment and we needed two more people. He was a shoo-in. He's a good guy, and likeable. He smokes pot and dips chewing tobacco, but isn't irritating about either. He is, however, fond of loud music and is prone to random, almost Tourettesque exclamations and singing falsetto.

There are far worse things in the world. It's actually pretty amusing when he wakes up in the morning and the first thing he does upon exiting his room is half-bellow phrases like







It's entirely possible he does have Tourette's, actually. But it's still funny. The bursts of falsetto singing are kind of terrifying though.

#3 is entirely new. None of us had ever met him before he moved in. He was randomly assigned to our apartment by the office to fill the still vacant fourth bedroom.

We were almost concerned about that for a little while, but then we realized we outnumbered him. But we continued to speculate about this mystery person, and based off our copy of tiny roommate matching questionnaire he had filled out we spun out infinite variations of who the Fourth Man would turn out to be. He didn't actually move about a couple of weeks after we had, and by that time he had attained an almost legendary status.

Since at the time I was in the apartment more than anyone else combined, I met him first.

The Fourth Man is (of course): small, quiet, and very clean. He likes chess. He is 21 and lived with his parents until he moved in. He also thinks the rest of us are loud, stupid and obnoxious drunkards and has a bit of a superior attitude towards us, though he isn't blatantly rude.

He is the only person on the face of the Earth who is a match for the Fruit Punch of Doom. I have tried cleaning the kitchen, only to walk away defeated time and time again. Even after living with a super clean girl for two years I am no match for the messes that sometimes erupt.

We don't know much about him. Spoons and #2 think he might be gay but I doubt it.

He's a lot like I used to be a few years ago, so I have a good deal of empathy for him and tried to make friends, something which I think he responded to with the best of his ability because we are the most similar but neither one of us are very good at making friends. He likes chess (that's all I know about him), and I know how to play but I am very poor at strategic thinking and so I consistantly make stupid moves. I tend to be self-deprecating about things like that, but I'll be honest, I didn't really like it when he joined in on the putting-me-down. I stopped trying to really make friends a little while ago, I already have friends and I'm pretty busy. I may try again, I am well acquainted with the feeling of being in a new place where you don't know anyone and you're surrounded by annoying people, but he has to try too.

So, yeah, those are the people I'm living with now. They are generally louder and messier, but easier to relate to. We actually talk and play video games watch TV and drink together and usually somewhat enjoy each other's company! Roomate (now Ex-Roomate, so Ex-roomate is XX-roomate, and back and back and back and it's so confusing it would be easier if I never mentioned them again) and I got along fine, but we mainly just stayed out of each other's way and didn't bother each other except when I made a mess or she had some Emotional Event. The apartment sometimes smells and sometimes loud music makes it harder to sleep at night but I don't get that sick feeling that I'm being a coward and not doing enough to rectify some potential crisis.

On the whole, an improvement in my living situation. It's the first time I've lived with people I like instead of just tolerate. Let's hope it lasts!


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