Monday, April 02, 2007

tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick

A significant portion of my posts are made when I should be doing something else.

Procrastination has been demonstrated to be a main effect.

I have a philosophy paper due about 148 hours ago. I hate that class so much, but it's the last one I need for one of my majors.

I could never bring myself to wheedle with the professor, either. I am many things, but I am not usually dishonest.

I am just a terrible student in that class. I have been a terrible student in 4 classes (7% of my college career).

Even if I fail the class though, I still have the other major, which I will have taken me 1/5 of my college career to earn, and 1/3 of the time it's taken with my other major.

I'm so disappointed.

I am such a disappointment.

As a student.

I'll have been at it for 40,320 hours when it's all done. I've only 912 hours left.

As a president.

My term's pretty much up. I have about 504 hours left. Tonight's the last night of anything really major, my replacement's all lined up, etc. Tonight will take about 4 hours to get through.

I could have done so much more. Better. I had so many good ideas, and only 8,064 hours to put them into practice.

It wasn't nearly enough.

This was just a practice run, right? I think I've got the hang of it now.

Yeah anyways,

I wouldn't do it again if you paid me.

Assuming the money offered was under 4k.

I don't think I'm proud of anything I've done the past 16,128 hours. Only two or three in the past 48,384. I find it hard to believe a fancy worded degree will make me feel better when I finally get it (I am hell bent at this point).

However, I am working with a cognitive psych professor. I feel productive, even when I'm doing boring stuff.

He's a memory man, not exactly my cup of tea I think but it'll do until I find out what my cup of tea is.

Which, I've started drinking tea like mad. Not green tea, normal black tea.

This makes me even more like the Bizarro twin to 10,000 (spoons).

I like Earl Grey, but I think I like Lady Grey better. Apparently in the tea-drinking world this makes me in danger of being queer.

Very masculine people, those tea-drinkers.

I'll be working with the professor over the summer, and be volunteering in his lab next year, schedule permitting. Based on how I feel about that I'll decide whether or not I should go to grad school.

I haven't really prepared that much for grad school, simply because I don't know if it's for me. Maybe in 12,096 hours I will.

A lot of my friends are hell bent on it.

But I've been in school for something like 153,216 hours, I'm feeling less and less guilty at the prospect of taking 8,064 off.

Which, I won't be lazing around or anything, because I need money to pay for things.


Hey, more good news.

I am now out of debt.

I am going to graduate not owing anyone.

I didn't think it was possible, I certainly didn't think it was possible before I graduated.

I thought this was the beginning of a lifelong indenture. That's how it works for most people.

I haven't had time to really absorb it, because I was in debt for more than 24,192 hours (13% of my lifetime) and I've only been free and clear for less than 1/336th of that, and for that amount of time plus at least 76 hours I've been sick about being the worst student in the world in that one class (2% of my college career).

tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick

Wednesday. More specifically 50 hours from now

Wednesday I can take a minute. Maybe even an hour. Three?


Maybe Thursday night. 82 hours from now.

Maybe Friday.

Maybe next Friday.

My dad will be here about 98 hours from now, he is going to meet my girlfriend, probably 122 hours from now. We've been together 15,456 hours.

Less time than I was in debt, but significantly more than how long I've been a terrible student, and longer than I've been a terrible president. I think we'll make it through the next 288 hours. Even the next 504.

I'm almost certain we'll be together 912 hours from now. We've made long term plans: for over 16,128 hours from now.

If we're still together 32,256 hours from now, marriage will become a consideration, but only for later, at least another 96,768 hours.

But we're not there yet. We're not not even a third of the way there.

Is it too soon anyway?

The hours go like sand.

An hour and a half writing this.

Over 185,472 hours living this.

An estimated 338,688 hours left.


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