Saturday, June 03, 2006


Once, when I was small, I was up on the high-diving board for the first time and I didn't want to jump in the water.

Everyone yelled at me to for about what felt like 10 or so minutes, may have actually been ten or so minutes, but I couldn't step off.

I breathed slowly.

I closed my eyes.

I prayed.

I couldn't jump off.

I was up there for a very long time with my eyes closed, when suddenly I was sputtering and thrashing. I was in the water.

So, one of these three things must have happened:

1) I screwed up my courage and jumped and didn't remember it.
2) I actually fell asleep while standing on the diving board and fell in.
3) I got pushed.

I'll never know which of those actually happened, but today I jumped.


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