When I got to 10,000 Spoons' place, people had already been there and drinking for 3 hours, so conversation was not quite what it could have been. I tried getting into the drinking game, but I was just starting and everyone else was already on level 9, and as you know, at level 9 not only do you have a firm grasp of the rules but you also have learned some of the special moves.
It was a sausage fest, and strangley enough, that was how it had been marketed. My whole circle of friends consists mainly of girls, as do the circles of all the guys in my circle, so we thought we'd have a "guys night in", but of course about the time I arrived it had been decided it was time to find some girls.
After some difficulty finding parking in some random neighborhood, we all started making our way to the party with the alleged girls. There was no one I knew there, but there was someone I recognized, I had seen her present something once about budgets and I had though she looked like an elf. Cute, that one.
It was dull there, so the car that brought me left, and I with them. We went back to 10,000's place, didn't stay long, and I went back home and decided against the bar hopping and went to sleep.
Actually, I fell asleep on the couch playing video games, woke up at 5ish, then went to sleep in my bed, and woke up at 8:30, frittered away my time. Turned on the TV to see when it was during "the big game" and when halftime was over, I went there to go see my girlfriend who was working concessions.
Lots of bright, vivid colors in the stadium, it was pretty. I was only at the game for about 15 minutes, which some might think is a waste of a perfectly good ticket but too bad for them.
On the way out I ran into those wonderful christian peoples with the big signs telling us that we're all going to hell and that homo-sex is filth and that gay fags and girls in sororities are going to burn in hell fire. When questioned, they claim that they themselves are saints.
This is one such person, though he wasn't one of the ones today.
I wonder if they've ever converted someone. Does anyone see these people and think I want to be like that...? I've half a mind to believe they're people trying to make Christianity look bad. It's pretty caricaturical.
Anyways, these people have found the internet and were nice enough to put their home page on the signs for us (www.homosexissin.com, of course).
Check it out. I like how they use Prince Xizor's picture over the link entitled "AIDS GET THE WHOLE PICTURE".
Prince Xizor is AIDS!
Match other Star Wars characters with Sexually Transmitted Infections?
Han Solo is syphilis!
That site is so well made, it is chock full of facts and figures.
You should go see it.
Unless you're one of them there gay fags.
It's Adam and Eve, guys.
Not Adam and Steve.
And there's no arguing with that.
It was a sausage fest, and strangley enough, that was how it had been marketed. My whole circle of friends consists mainly of girls, as do the circles of all the guys in my circle, so we thought we'd have a "guys night in", but of course about the time I arrived it had been decided it was time to find some girls.
After some difficulty finding parking in some random neighborhood, we all started making our way to the party with the alleged girls. There was no one I knew there, but there was someone I recognized, I had seen her present something once about budgets and I had though she looked like an elf. Cute, that one.
It was dull there, so the car that brought me left, and I with them. We went back to 10,000's place, didn't stay long, and I went back home and decided against the bar hopping and went to sleep.
Actually, I fell asleep on the couch playing video games, woke up at 5ish, then went to sleep in my bed, and woke up at 8:30, frittered away my time. Turned on the TV to see when it was during "the big game" and when halftime was over, I went there to go see my girlfriend who was working concessions.
Lots of bright, vivid colors in the stadium, it was pretty. I was only at the game for about 15 minutes, which some might think is a waste of a perfectly good ticket but too bad for them.
On the way out I ran into those wonderful christian peoples with the big signs telling us that we're all going to hell and that homo-sex is filth and that gay fags and girls in sororities are going to burn in hell fire. When questioned, they claim that they themselves are saints.
This is one such person, though he wasn't one of the ones today.
I wonder if they've ever converted someone. Does anyone see these people and think I want to be like that...? I've half a mind to believe they're people trying to make Christianity look bad. It's pretty caricaturical.
Anyways, these people have found the internet and were nice enough to put their home page on the signs for us (www.homosexissin.com, of course).
Check it out. I like how they use Prince Xizor's picture over the link entitled "AIDS GET THE WHOLE PICTURE".
Prince Xizor is AIDS!
Match other Star Wars characters with Sexually Transmitted Infections?
Han Solo is syphilis!
That site is so well made, it is chock full of facts and figures.
You should go see it.
Unless you're one of them there gay fags.
It's Adam and Eve, guys.
Not Adam and Steve.
And there's no arguing with that.