Thursday, July 28, 2005


That's what the ATM says my balance is.

I don't know what the hell happened, probably why it happened.


I get paid in a few hours, which I think is amusing.

Even though I'm now less than zero, I'm feeling pretty relaxed about it. At least I'm not failing out of school, etc.

In other news, that's another 65 in my life.

Sunday, July 17, 2005


...I spent most of the week being oddly sick. That is to say, sick oddly.

Monday and Tuesday I was afflicted by 48 hour relapsing/remitting mono. And by Friday I had strange, dried-out feeling muscles and my first introduction to the migraine headache.

I went out last night, and it was boring, I had more fun drunkenly clambering over pieces of gutted roadways on the way home than at any of the bars.

I went to Explosion's art show Saturday. There was bad wine and punch made from Sprite and lime sherbert and a girl in a dress that was cut in a way I tried to ignore. I'm supposed to be spoken for, after all. There was a circus going on outside where people were taking a sledgehammer to what looked to be a granite replica of the Washington monument. I thought it was illegal, and so I just watched, but it turned out later it was kosher and the artist wanted people to break it a little. There was a two man folk band that sang "You got the Devil in you" and one of Explosion's sculptures looked like a vagina, which reminded me of how prevalent vaginas seem to be in art today. I once saw a sketching with about 50 vaginas in it, intercut with scenes of PG-13 sex. The artist was sketchy looking.

I think art cars look stupid, generally.

I have to go.

"This should really be edited into the last post and not separate."

The post that isn't

This entry has been thwarted twice now, today, because every computer I touch seems to explode.

I'm getting pretty sick of it.

So, the entry that wasn't: I posted the most easily acessible aborted entry that I'd written in the past month, which would be this:

I'm shopping online for rosaries.
I've decided I might become Catholic.
Being sorta raised Baptist, I came to think that Christianity
is a pretty ascetic religion, very bare bones, all about
faith and God.
How boring.
Catholocism though, that's fancy. Even their crosses are
ornate to the point of being ostentatious. And all those
patron saints, all those weird rituals.
Sounds a lot like witchcraft.
Praying the rosary?
How is that not like a spell?
There's two reasons I might want to be Catholic:
I want a rosary (do you wear those around your neck? It looks
like it would be pretty awkward).
I like how "Catholic" sounds. What a pretty word. It tastes
like those candy sticks you're supposed to dip in that colored
sugar, whatever that candy is called (Fun Dip?).
I guess I'm pretty much insane.
Obviously I'd like my rosary to be made of wood, wood is just
more spiritual.
I'm looking at rosaries right now, on some link from what I
guess is the official website of all Catholocism.
Ooh, onyx. I could settle for onyx.
But it's over $200. I'm not going to spend more than $25.
Heh. I could totally buy an official Catholic T-shirt.
Heh. Catholic singles sites.
"Mom please, I already met a nice Catholic guy!"
Where are the religion stores in Athens? Why do I have to shop
for rosaries in the internet and not in real life?
It's not like there's no market for Jesus in the southeastern
United States.
I guess you're supposed to keep rosaries in your pocket.
That's a little disappointing, it would be so much cooler if
they went around your neck.
Whatever. As long as I can bust out a 10 decader and do chop
saki with it.
Hail Mary, full of grace WHAA-TAAAAAAAAA
I'm going to Hell.
I really do want a rosary, I have no idea why.

Ick. This is what they're like before I edit them.
I also posted about how I was buying/reading various points about various religious/mystical...stuff, such as Dianetics and Astronomy, though I didn't really put much stock in them (although the "avatars" in that Astronomy book had some rocking pants.)

I posted about how I'm not in the marching band anymore so I can officially no longer think of myself as a musician, not even a really bad one, and how emo I felt about that.

I posted about how even though I actually have a job I still feel guilty about sitting around on a Sunday. Protestant work ethic, or whatever.

And then I brought up the astrology thing again to make a almost-humorous reference to whom I am/would be compatible to and to whom I am not/would not be, etc.

And then I ended by pretending to identify myself by my half worked out birth chart, also attempting to be funny.

I'm Libra on the cusp of Scorpio if anyone's curious.

And then I tried to post it. Twice. I failed.

And so instead there is this.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Holy shit I have a blog

I completely forgot, y'all.